July 11, 2018

Pink Smash Folio - If You Really Knew Me

As you can see I have another Smash Folio share. I'm still working in my "Pretty Pink" book. Now when I first starting working in this book I wanted the theme of the book to be "My Twenties". Now scrapbooking is a form of therapy and reflection for me. With that in mind this book has kind of evolved as I've worked on it. As I enter my 28th year on this beautiful earth, I'm finding my twenties to be a time of growth and refection. For me, my twenties have been a time to come to terms with my past while also discovering who I am. A time to some how make those two pieces come together. So that's what this book has morphed into. Not the "things" I've done in my twenties, but documentation of my reflection and growth.

On this page I used a Paige Evans' butterfly background svg file. I also used the Colorbok Modern Millinery paper pad to fill in the negative spaces. Some butterflies I kept empty, others I used white embossed paper, and finally some I tied white string bows. I think that gave it a nice balance and places for the eye to rest.

I love butterflies so much, so this page makes my heart happy. I also made another crepe paper rosette with a wooden center. The wood circle and the stamp I purchased at my local Walmart. I used embroidery thread for the small bows as well. 

In the little pocket at the bottom of the page I tucked away a poem I wrote for a university assignment. It's called If You Really Knew Me... This poem I'm not going to share as it's personal and it would defeat the poem itself. But the gist of the poem is to have each stanza read If you really knew me... and then write something that only a closed loved one or family friend would know about you. 

I wrote each stanza on a strip of a notecard and then tucked them into the pocket. The way the poem is set up the order of the stanza's don't matter to much, at least for me, so the pocket idea worked great. Plus it keeps it tucked away for an illusion of privacy. 

That's all I have today, check back in on Sunday for a scrapbook layout. Thanks for stopping in, I will leave with pictures of each individual page.

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